Sunday Salon: Welcoming December

I’m enjoying my last day at my parents’ house with my family today. I haven’t gotten much reading done; there has, instead, been much eating, watching football, and hanging out. It’s been wonderful! I’ve spent a little time over the past few days looking back over 2010. I’m on track this year to hit 100 …

Sunday Salon: Defining “Classic”

As I’ve mentioned in passing, I’m working on a reading project for myself for next year. I want it to focus on a certain sort of book which I have been calling “classics.” The problem I keep running into, though, is how, exactly, to define “classic.” I used to think of a classic as an …

Sunday Salon: Rereading

I have never been a rereader. As Nick Hornby writes in The Polysyllabic Spree: “I don’t reread books often; I’m too conscious of both my ignorance and my mortality.” (p. 25) I agree. With so much out there to read and so little time in which to read it, it’s hard for me to justify …