
At the moment, my only active project is my Classics Club list. Feel free to browse the archives for my past and inactive projects. And check back…I may reinstate old projects or start new ones!

Inactive Projects

Past Erin Reads projects and those I’m not keeping up with at the moment are listed below.

Reading Buddies

Reading Buddies ButtonReading Buddies was a project aimed at tackling my TBR lists along with any other readers who might be interested. Each month, a participants selected a book by poll to become an informal group read. I posted a discussion midway through each month and a wrap-up at the end, and other readers talked about the book on their own blogs as well as in the comments on Erin Reads. Bloggers and non-bloggers alike were welcome to participate. For details and to suggest books, please see the Reading Buddies page.


The Classics Reclamation Project

The Classics Reclamation Project ButtonThe Classics Reclamation Project, or CRP, was my  personal classics project. I could read any classics I wished, in any order, as quickly or slowly as I wanted, so long as at all times one of the books I was reading or listening to was a classic. I posted each week about what I was reading, no matter where in the book I was. Guidelines for what counted as a classic for the project and lists of the books I read are available on the Classics Reclamation Project page.


just READ it.

just READ it badgeI started just READ it, or JRI, to focus on the books and authors I considered “hard.” That might mean they’re long, or dense, or confusing, or intimidating, or far outside my comfort zone, or written by a “hard” author, or so universally beloved I’m afraid I’ll be the only person in the world who doesn’t see their brilliance. Some of the “hard” books I’ve tackled in the past have become favorites, and I was hoping some of those I read for JRI will as well. There were no official rules for JRI. Unfortunately, the project never really got off the ground. But you’ll find a little more information on the just READ it page, if you’re curious.