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Hello, Reading Buddies! Well, I’m halfway through A Room with a View by E.M. Forster (spoilers are fair game!) and I’ve yet to take a single note. I love it when I’m so absorbed in a book — and a classic in particular — that note-taking falls by the wayside. The problem, of course, is that I have very little to talk about here!

An interesting tidbit (thanks to my go-to quick reference source, Wikipedia): Though A Room with a View was published in 1908, the third of five novels published during Forster’s lifetime, it was actually the first one he started.

A Room with a View by E.M. Forster (cover)I’m enjoying the novel immensely. I’ve previously read Howards End, A Passage to India, and The Hill of Devi by Forster (the last one nonfiction), and none quite prepared me for how very entertaining I’m finding A Room with a View. I think Forster’s wit and sense of humor really shine, and I’m loving it.

I’ve finished the first part, with Lucy and Charlotte in Italy, and am a few chapters into the next section, back in England. The jump between the two was so sudden that I checked to be sure my ebook copy from Project Gutenberg was complete (I think it is!). I expect the story to be filled in a bit as I read. At this point, I’m not Cecil’s biggest fan — especially since I’ve just discovered Lucy tends to imagine him in a room…without a view! I suspect somehow George Emerson will show up again, since he and his father gave up their rooms with views at the novel’s beginning. I love when the title is worked cleverly into the book, and Forster seems to be doing a nice job of it so far.

I don’t have much else to say! How are you liking A Room with a View? Is it your first Forster? Anything in particular you’d like to discuss?

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  1. I am glad you are liking it, and need to find my copy so that I can follow along. I have heard some excellent things about this book, and think that it would probably make for a really interesting read for me. I hope that you continue to enjoy it!

  2. I first read this book when I was a sophomore in high school because I saw the movie version one late, late night and loved it! I can still remember it as the type of love story I can really get into. 🙂

  3. I’m reading along on this one, and it sounds like I’m just about exactly where you are. I’m really enjoying it!

  4. I read this book in high school and college. I wish I’d decided to read it along with you. It’s a wonderful book and Forster’s writing is so good. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I’m going to put it on my wishlist so I’ll remember to pick up a copy!

  5. This is my first Forster, and so far so good! I’m really enjoying it. I share many of your feelings. Cecil seems like a jerk! I’m assuming that Emerson will show up somehow. I can’t wait to get to the rest.

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