Hello, Reading Buddies! Well, I’m halfway through A Room with a View by E.M. Forster (spoilers are fair game!) and I’ve yet to take a single note. I love it when I’m so absorbed in a book — and a classic in particular — that note-taking falls by the wayside. The problem, of course, is that I have very little to talk about here!
An interesting tidbit (thanks to my go-to quick reference source, Wikipedia): Though A Room with a View was published in 1908, the third of five novels published during Forster’s lifetime, it was actually the first one he started.
I’m enjoying the novel immensely. I’ve previously read Howards End, A Passage to India, and The Hill of Devi by Forster (the last one nonfiction), and none quite prepared me for how very entertaining I’m finding A Room with a View. I think Forster’s wit and sense of humor really shine, and I’m loving it.
I’ve finished the first part, with Lucy and Charlotte in Italy, and am a few chapters into the next section, back in England. The jump between the two was so sudden that I checked to be sure my ebook copy from Project Gutenberg was complete (I think it is!). I expect the story to be filled in a bit as I read. At this point, I’m not Cecil’s biggest fan — especially since I’ve just discovered Lucy tends to imagine him in a room…without a view! I suspect somehow George Emerson will show up again, since he and his father gave up their rooms with views at the novel’s beginning. I love when the title is worked cleverly into the book, and Forster seems to be doing a nice job of it so far.
I don’t have much else to say! How are you liking A Room with a View? Is it your first Forster? Anything in particular you’d like to discuss?
I am glad you are liking it, and need to find my copy so that I can follow along. I have heard some excellent things about this book, and think that it would probably make for a really interesting read for me. I hope that you continue to enjoy it!
I first read this book when I was a sophomore in high school because I saw the movie version one late, late night and loved it! I can still remember it as the type of love story I can really get into. 🙂
I’m reading along on this one, and it sounds like I’m just about exactly where you are. I’m really enjoying it!
I read this book in high school and college. I wish I’d decided to read it along with you. It’s a wonderful book and Forster’s writing is so good. I’m glad you’re enjoying it. I’m going to put it on my wishlist so I’ll remember to pick up a copy!
This is my first Forster, and so far so good! I’m really enjoying it. I share many of your feelings. Cecil seems like a jerk! I’m assuming that Emerson will show up somehow. I can’t wait to get to the rest.