Sunday Salon: In Which I Am No Longer MIA from Book Blogging (!!!)

So. It’s been a while. Like…10 months. When I quit blogging on Erin Reads back in mid-2012, I wasn’t sure I’d ever post here again. But I’m back. Heck yes. *fist pump* *happy dance* *high five* There’s a story, of course, that leads from quitting to reviving. Read on and you shall hear it. I’m …

Sunday Salon: Where I’ve Been, What I’ve Been Doing, and Why

Happy Sunday, everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve participated in Sunday Salon. In fact, if you stop by fairly regularly you might have noticed my posting here on Erin Reads has slowed down quite a bit. If you’re a fellow book blogger, you might also have noticed I’ve not been making the comment rounds …

Sunday Salon: Cheerleader Sign-Ups, New Acquisitions, and #wordverify!

Today is an exciting day! I have three fabulous things to share with you. I’ll jump right in. Read-A-Thon Cheerleader Sign-Ups That’s right, today sign-ups begin for cheerleaders for the October 22nd Read-A-Thon! After cheering for several past Read-A-Thons, this year I’m co-chairing the cheerleading committee with the fabulous Trish. We’re so excited! The main …

Sunday Salon: Do You Dictionary?

I’ll admit it: when I encounter an unfamiliar word while reading, I’m much more likely to guess at its meaning based on context than take the time to look it up in the dictionary. I’ve always liked the idea of learning new words while reading, though, so a few years ago I bought myself a …

Book Show and Tell (I Can’t Resist!)

As many of you know, I used to do a weekly vlog about the books that found their way to me during the week. As my schedule got busier, I realized weekly vlogs were no longer feasible, and instead I’ve been posting exciting library sale finds and mailbox surprises on Tumblr. The past few weeks, …