Thoughts on “Flight” by Sherman Alexie (Audiobook)

The only book by Sherman Alexie I’d listened to before Flight (or read, for that matter) was The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian, but I knew I wanted to read more. Cass of Bonjour, Cass! mentioned that fans of one might be fans of the other, so I borrowed Flight on audio …

Books for Your Ears: Middle Grade and Young Adult Favorites

A few Fridays ago I introduced a miniseries featuring some of my favorite audiobooks. This week, I’ll be focusing on middle grade and young adult novels, all of which I, as an adult, really enjoyed. I’ve selected three of my favorites: The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian by Sherman Alexie (read by …

May Audiobook Favorites: Margaret Atwood & Sherman Alexie

So I’ve been on an audiobook kick lately. They make cleaning, cooking, and driving more enjoyable, and I’d rather listen to them while knitting than watch TV. I’ve gone through a whole slew of them in the past month, but three stood out as my absolute, recommend-them-to-everyone favorites. First up is a YA novel written …