Sunday Salon: Welcoming December

The Sunday

I’m enjoying my last day at my parents’ house with my family today. I haven’t gotten much reading done; there has, instead, been much eating, watching football, and hanging out. It’s been wonderful!

I’ve spent a little time over the past few days looking back over 2010. I’m on track this year to hit 100 books. It’ll be the first time I’ve read 100 books in one year, and while I’m not obsessive about numbers, I’m kind of excited about passing this particular milestone. I didn’t have any reading goals for myself at the start of 2010, but I am pleased with where I managed to end up!

I’ve also been looking ahead to December. I was pleased to discover my reading plate is relatively clear. I will be reading a book set in Greece for the World Party Reading Challenge. I’ll also be reading American Rose by Karen Abbott, a biography of Gypsy Rose Lee that comes out at the end of December. Other than that, my reading is up to me! I think I would like to read Room by Emma Donoghue, just so that I can stop feeling left out of the loop. I’ll also be starting a classic for my classics reading project, which will most likely be launched this week.

In non-reading news, December means the official start of the holiday season for me. I do love Thanksgiving, but it doesn’t have its own music the way Christmas does. So now that Thanksgiving is over and Jenners can no longer cite me for premature holiday celebrations, I’d like to share with you my very favorite “Christmas” song arrangement, from the amazing a cappella group Straight No Chaser. I can listen to this song over and over and never get bored — it’s so clever and fun!

How is the end of the year shaping up for you?

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    1. I think I need to do that next year! I didn’t think of it for this year. Planning my reading is still a new thing to me!

  1. Yes … you are in the clear!! Whew … I like you. I didn’t want to have to cite you!! ; )

    And this year was the first year I’ve made it to 100 books. I’m at 104 now I think. I’ve been trying for three years and never even got close. So I congratulate you .. it is an achievement!!!!

    And I’m so excited that you are thinking of reading ROOM. I’ll be sure curious to see what you think of it.

    1. I didn’t want to get cited. I hate breaking rules!

      Congrats on your first time breaking 100 books!! It feels good, doesn’t it? 🙂

      I’m looking forward to Room! The challenge will be finding something to say that hasn’t been said by someone else…

  2. I love the Christmas season. I’m so pleased that Thanksgiving is past (I mean I love Thanksgiving and I was thrilled to have it happen, of course), so I can now sing Christmas carols without getting dirty looks.

    1. Definitely! For me, Christmas songs represent the entire season from just after Halloween to New Years, but not everyone feels the same! Enjoy your carols 🙂

  3. the end of the year is shaping up well, reading-wise and elsewise. i’ve read a lot of great books this year and look forward to a strong finish with some 2010 releases i haven’t read yet and some plans for next year. I love Christmas music, too, and look forward to loading up my ipod with it soon!

    1. I like that approach to the end of the year! I think I’d enjoy the sense of closure and accomplishment wrapping up the year with some big books from that year I’d missed. I’ll keep it in mind for future years!

  4. Your Thanksgiving weekend with your family sounds wonderful Erin! great family time.

    100 books is pretty amazing!

    I love the Christmas season – the music etc. not the crowded shopping malls, stores etc.!

    December sounds like a good reading month for you!
    ~ Amy

    1. I had a wonderful weekend! Didn’t get much reading done, but that’s ok 🙂 Enjoy the non-shopping parts of Christmas!!

  5. Congrats on almost reaching 100 books! I love ending the year on an even number like that (which I realize sounds a little OCD, but what are you going to do).

    I love Straight No Chaser, by the way. I have a weakness for a cappella. My favorite of their holiday songs is The 12 Days of Christmas–it makes me so MERRY.

    1. Thanks! I’m guessing I won’t manage to pull off an precise 100, but I’m shooting for an even number at least. (That would be my own little bit of OCD coming out!)

      I’ve only heard one of Straight No Chaser’s albums, but it immediately became one of my favorites! It was hard for me to choose between Christmas Can Can and The 12 Days of Christmas — I chose the Can Can because the video was better quality. Merry is exactly the mood they induce in me as well!

  6. I also have Room and haven’t picked it up just yet. I’ve been so wrapped up in classics and other books written pre-1950s or so that I’ve been slightly delaying my read of it. I think I’m going to wait for my trip to see the in-laws in early December!

  7. Don’t you love a clear reading plate? I managed to finish my last two obligatory books this weekend and am thoroughly looking forward to reading whatever I want for the rest of the year. Enjoy!

    1. Yes! Though I’m sure it’ll get filled up quickly. Have a wonderful time choosing what you’d like on your reading plate for the remainder of the year!

  8. Your weekend sounds lovely, Erin!

    My to-read list is pretty massive right now (about 30 books to review for publishers, and quite a few more unread books from my general collection), so I’ll keep churning through it. I think I should end up at around 150 books by the end of the year, although that figure’s partly because a lot of the stuff I’ve read is YA, and therefore fairly short.

    I’m visiting my parents in Western Australia over Christmas, and going on a road trip with the bf, so no doubt I’ll take plenty of reading material with me!

    1. Whew, 150 books! I hope to get there eventually, but for the next few days I’ll be satisfied to consistently hit 100. I hope you get lots of reading done on your trip! I always end up bringing plenty of reading material that I never get through!

  9. Straight No Chaser is the perfect way to start the holidays. We’re going to see them this week!
    I had hoped to read one more book this weekend but alas time is running out for that. I’m looking forward to reading some fun books in December to wrap up the year!

    1. Oh, I’m so jealous! I bet Straight No Chaser is amazing live!! Enjoy the concert, and your December reading!

  10. I love Christmas music, too, and can now listen guilt-free! Thanks for posting the video, and congratulations on reaching 100 books. I’ve never ben able to do that.

    1. It’s fun to see how many Christmas music lovers have been patiently awaiting the appropriate time to listen publicly! Enjoy 🙂

    1. Thanks! I’m looking forward to a clear reading plate…though I’ve already managed to add quite a few books to it!

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