Since I’m home, amongst readers with diverse tastes, I thought I’d collect favorite books from some of my family members and share them with you while I compile my own Best of 2010 lists.

2010 Family Favorites Part 1

Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide by Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn

Chosen by: my mom
Genre: nonfiction

Half the Sky was the most impactful and important book I read this year. This well-written nonfiction work details the plight of women and children in developing countries. It opened my eyes to the magnitude of this global issue and presented ways a little help can make a big difference in transforming the lives of these women. It’s a book everyone should read; book raises the awareness level for all of us.”

My Name is Mary Sutter by Robin Oliveira

Chosen by: my mom
Genre: historical fiction

“I loved this book for its well-drawn characters and its believable and engaging plot. It also shed light on a more obscure aspect of the Civil War era: women in medicine. An all around great read!”

Erin’s note: I loved this one as well!

The Malazan Book of the Fallen Series by Steven Erikson

Chosen by: my husband
Genre: fantasy

“This series was great because of how skilled Erikson is at creating a massive world and populating it with a wide variety of characters. Erikson is an anthropologist, which definitely helps with this aspect of his novels. The Malazan Book of the Fallen is great for people who’ve enjoyed Robert Jordan’s Wheel of Time series.”

The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton

Chosen by: my sister
Genre: fiction

“I enjoyed The Forgotten Garden because of how well it wove together several different plot lines, all occurring at different times over the past century. Despite the story’s intricacy, I never felt confused. As the main character uncovers her grandmother’s story, answers are gradually revealed until the end, when everything comes together.”

Other Family Favorites

2010 Family Favorites Par 2

Other books my family has recently read, enjoyed, and recommended to each other include City of Thieves by David Benioff (which four of us have read and loved), Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese (which I bought at my sister’s urging but haven’t gotten to yet), and Graceling by Kristin Cashore (which my sisters and I have all read).

What books have made the rounds in your family?

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  1. How lucky to have a family of readers! I’m glad to hear good opinions on The Forgotten Garden, too. most of the ones I’ve heard are negative, but it sounds really good to me.

    1. It’s wonderful! We’ve always been big on books. I’ve heard mixed things about The Forgotten Garden, too, but my sister really enjoyed it, so I think I’ll end up giving it a shot!

    1. My husband was completely hooked on the Malazan books! I hope you enjoy them. I really need to reread Graceling — I adored it the first time through.

  2. I love this idea! Definitely read Cutting for Stone–it is worth it! I want to read some Kate Morton, as well as the Mary Sutter book, so I am glad they got your family’s seal of approval.

    1. It’s near the top of my list! Your review made me want to read it even more. Great timing! Enjoy Morton & Oliveira!

  3. I loved Cutting for Stone- it was my favorite of last year. So awesome. And City of Thieves was awesome, too 🙂 Hope you get to those soon & enjoy them & have a great 2011!

    1. I can’t wait to read it! I finally got myself a copy, so now I have no excuse (though I’m sure I’ll think of something :-p)! City of Thieves is slowly making the rounds in my family…four of us have read it, and two are planning to!

  4. City of Thieves is on my TBR list.

    My mom and her side of the family are avid readers. All five of them love Stuart Woods’ novels (and each of them give the other a copy of one of his books for Christmas), but I’ve neve been a big mystery fan and have yet to try them.

    1. City of Thieves is so good! The audio is wonderful as well.

      I’ve never read Stuart Woods either, but it’s fun they all share a favorite author! My dad and his sister swap Patricia Cornwell back and forth.

  5. How awesome that you come from a family of readers! Thanks for letting us know what they recommend! They chose some wonderful books that I’m adding to my TBR, some are already on there but I’d forgotten about Mary Sutter which I recall got many positive reviews in this community. That and Cutting for Stone are very high on my list!

    1. I love it 🙂 I read Mary Sutter before I was blogging regularly, but it definitely deserves praise. I’m hoping to get to Cutting for Stone soon myself!

  6. I love this family edition of the “best of” list! Cutting for Stone and Mary Sutter are two books that I’ve seen making their rounds on a few lists. I haven’t read any of these but Half the Sky is on my tbr list. Thanks for sharing with us.

    1. I had fun assembling it! I’m hoping to get to Cutting for Stone and Half the Sky soon myself. Enjoy!

    1. I can’t wait to listen to Half the Sky. It sounds amazing, and I hope to get to it in early 2011! Thanks for your recommendation!

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