My Week in Books: February 27-March 5

My Week in Books

Welcome to my weekly Saturday feature here at Erin Reads, where I highlight new books that have entered my life, what I’ve been reading, and what’s happened on Erin Reads over the past week.

New Acquisitions

I’ll be traveling for the next week, which means there’s no vlog today and most likely won’t be one next week. I’ll try to find some replacement videos for your viewing pleasure, though!

This week, I acquired one new book and two from the library, all of which I’m excited about:

  • The Robber Bride by Margaret Atwood: I’ve read five of Atwood’s books now, and while I’ve had my favorites, there hasn’t been one I disliked. I’ve heard The Robber Bride recommended multiple times, so when I saw a copy at Half Price Books, I snatched it up!
  • Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser: Christina from the Ardent Reader invited me to read this one, which has been on my TBR list forever, with her this month. I borrowed the audio from my library, since I always seem to have more time in my listening schedule than in my reading lineup!
  • Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts: I’ve toyed with listening to this one for quite some time now. It’s 35 discs long, which comes out to just over 40 hours of book. However, the narrator is great, and I figured, why not? So I borrowed both parts (yes, it comes in two parts!) from my library.

TBR Additions

Nothing to add this week. Thank goodness…my list is getting way to long!!

Read This Week

I spent the beginning of this week finishing up The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera for my IRL book group. I’ll be honest–I didn’t love it. Four of the six people in my book group really enjoyed it, though, so I seem to be in the minority! I’ve continued with Madre: Perilous Journeys with a Spanish Noun by Liza Bakewell, which is still wonderful. I also happened to pick up The Bee-Loud Glade by Steve Himmer, which will be published in April, a couple of days ago. It’s very difficult for me to make myself write this post instead of zipping through the last 25 pages of The Bee-Loud Glade–it’s that absorbing!

On audio, I finished up Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome, which, as I shared on Wednesday, wasn’t really my cup of tea. I then listened to about half of Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser before launching into Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts, which will accompany me in the car as I’m driving around this week.

Erin Reads Recap

Bonus Video

Since there’s no vlog this week, please enjoy this video of two very awesome dudes playing Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal”…on cellos.


Your Turn!

How was your reading week? Do tell!

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  1. I love the audio version of Shantaram as well.

    BTW..Erin, I need to back out on that buddy read I signed up for a few months down the road I have a lot going on a nd we will be going on vacation as well, so I just can’t commit to dates.

  2. Who doesn’t love a cello?!?!

    Okay back to books, I can’t believe how many you have going at once. I get all twitchy if I have more than two going at a time. 🙂

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