Reading Buddies: Checking In

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Hello, reading buddies! As I mentioned last week, there’s no reading buddies book post this week. As I looked over the upcoming months, I realized this sort of thing will happen a few more times, since some months have four Fridays and others have five. I’m trying to keep discussions closer to the end of the month than the beginning, so everyone (including me!) has more time to read the books. So, instead of talking about a book today, I wanted to check in with everyone and post the schedule for the next few months.

Checking In

For those of you who participated in February, do you have any comments or feedback about the schedule and/or format? Do you like having two books per month, staggered the way they’ve been?

For those of you who didn’t participate but watched the proceedings, do you have any input?

Please feel free to leave me a comment or send me an email (erinreadsblog {at} gmail {dot} com) if you have questions, concerns, etc. about Reading Buddies so far. I’d like for it to be fun and easy for all involved!

Looking Ahead

Here is the tentative schedule for the next two months:

The Appointment by Herta Muller: March 11 and 25
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro: March 18 and April 1

The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness: April 8 and 22
The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen: April 15 and 29

The rest of the books already lined up, as well as information about Reading Buddies and the link to suggest a book (or several!), can be found on the Reading Buddies page (always accessible from my sidebar–just click on the Reading Buddies button!).

I’m looking forward to reading these and more together!

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  1. I enjoyed my first participation in Reading Buddies and appreciated A Walk in the Woods very much.
    I’ll skip Herta Muller’s The Appointment but will be in for Never let me go by Kazuo Ishiguro, which I’ve already begun.

  2. I love Reading Buddies. I had a blast during The Poisonwood Bible (it’s so fun to read a book together!) and can’t wait for The Corrections, Angels in America (!!), and maybe (maybe) Gone With the Wind.

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