Just a quick post today! Voting is now closed, and the Reading Buddies book for November will be The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins. With over 40% of the votes, it’s this month’s clear winner.

Reading Buddies badge and The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins (cover)

To entice you to participate, here’s the Goodreads blurb:

The Woman in White is a Victorian melodrama concerning a mysterious woman in white who bears an uncanny resemblance to the fiancee of Count Fosco, a sophisticated fortune hunter. First published as a serial between 1859 and 1860, this chronicle of evil, suspense, and villainy is believed to be the first English novel to deal with crime detection.”

I’m excited to finally read this classic. It’s been recommended to me again and again by plenty of people whose opinions I trust, so I’m expecting a good read!

My Woman in White posting schedule for November will be:
Discussion post: Friday, November 18th
Wrap-up post: Friday, December 2nd

A note on the dates: I pushed the schedule for November back a week so that the second post wouldn’t follow Thanksgiving so closely. Plus, it’s a longer book, so we’ll have a bit more time to read it.

If you’re thinking of reading along, please let me know in the comments so I have some idea of who’s most likely participating. Also, December’s poll is now up in the sidebar. Be sure to vote for your pick!

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  1. I’m interested, but don’t want to sign up just yet because when I return to blogging I may want to not have too many obligations right away. But I will try. I know, this doesn’t help, but I can’t help but being enthousiastic.

    1. That’s fine, Iris! Reading Buddies is really laid back. Voicing possible interest doesn’t commit you to anything. I just like to have a sense of who might, maybe be interested. Of course, I’d love to read with you if it works out! 🙂

  2. I read this one such a long time ago. I hope I’ll be finished with all I have to do and see if I can join you.
    I’ll join you anyway in December if The Scarlet Letter wins! It’s been a long time since I want to re-read it!

    1. The Scarlet Letter is off to a great start in the poll so far! I really want to reread that one as well. I read it in high school and remember next to nothing about it.

  3. Oh, this is one I really want to read, but I don’t know if I’ll have time in November, as my “TBR, SOON!” pile has grown exponentially in the last few days. Tempting, I’m just not ready to commit.

    1. I have one of those piles, too…this month is devoted to reading the darned thing down! Reading Buddies is very relaxed, so you pretty much never have to formally commit. I just like to know who might perhaps be interested. If it works out, I’ll enjoy reading with you, and if not, there’s always another month 🙂

    1. I heard the newest audio production is really good! I’m tempted to go the audio route, too. I’m happy so many people have liked this one. I’m excited to finally read it!

    1. I kind of hoped it would win for October so we could read it leading up to Halloween! Reading Buddies will be discussing it a little late, but of course if you read it early you can still drop in on the discussions 🙂

    1. I’m excited — everyone seems to have loved The Woman in White. It’ll be my first Wilkie Collins!

    1. Sounds great! Reading Buddies is very informal, so you don’t have to formally commit at any point. I just like to have a feel for who might be interested. I hope it works out for you!

  4. Yes I’m in. I read this many years ago, remember nothing about it. Don’t know if that’s a good sign!
    Found a free copy for my newly accquired Kindle, so it’ll be a good opportunity to see if I really like reading in that way.

    1. Great! I’m looking forward to reading with you. I’ll be reading a free copy on my e-reader, too 🙂

  5. I’ve never heard of The Woman In White before. After doing quick research, it looks interesting. Since it’s a Kindle freebie, I’ll try to join in.

    1. Great, Alison, I’m glad you’ll be joining in! I’ll be reading a free copy on my e-reader, too. Love those!

    1. Oh, I never have to know definitely. You can let me know when you know, if you want. Reading Buddies is pretty informal. I just like to have a sense of who might be participating. I hope it works out that you can read along for this one!

  6. I love Wilkie Collins’ books! ‘The Woman in White’ is one of my favourites! Hope you enjoy reading it with your reading buddies. Can’t wait to read your discussion posts on it! Happy Reading!

    1. Awesome, that’s great to hear! It seems to be a book many people have really enjoyed. I hope you’ll stop back and weigh on on the discussions!

    1. Haha, hey, whatever gets your preferred book to win, eh? 😉 I’m excited you’ll be joining!

  7. I will definitely try to join you, Erin. I have wanted to read this for a very long time.

  8. Uh oh, I’ve already started this one (but just 50 pages), and Middlesex is still waving madly at me from beneath dear Wilkie’s bulky volume. How many good books CAN one reader fit into a single October?! ::waves guiltily in Jeffrey’s direction::

    1. Haha, I know that feeling! I thought Woman in White would be great for October, but it ended up winning for November instead. Not that I regret Middlesex having been chosen! Do read it at some point — it’s wonderful. I think you’d like it 🙂

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