Well. Since I went from a part-time student to a part-time student with a full-time job, my November was nowhere near as productive as usual in terms of reading! I’m really happy with the job and don’t mind my new, much slower reading pace (and the extra driving leaves more time for audiobooks!), but I’m still trying to figure out what it means for Erin Reads. I haven’t opened my Google Reader in a month and hope to spend some time catching up once school is done for the semester. I miss talking books with you!

Here’s what my November looked like:


Looking Back: November

Total books read: 2, plus most of 2 more
Total pages read: 576 (not counting the 2 I haven’t finished!)
Favorite book: A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness
Least favorite book: Well, the only other book I read this month was The Tapestry of Love by Rosy Thornton, but I don’t think it’s fair to call it my least favorite, as I really enjoyed it!


Total audiobooks listened to: 4
Total hours listened: 37 hours, 51 minutes
Favorite audiobook: Tongues of Serpents by Naomi Novik, just because Simon Vance is positively delightful
Least favorite audiobook: Actually, they were all good: Lost on Planet China by J. Maarten Troost, The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt, and 1984 by George Orwell!

Erin Reads

In November:

Your Turn!

That was my November. How was yours? I’d love to hear about it!

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  1. It sounds like the job is really making you have to re-prioritize your reading and writing, but hopefully you will get a handle on things very soon. I have had a good month and have done a lot more audios this month than in previous months. I am an audio loving fool!

  2. Yes, life can sometimes sweep in and take away all are reading time. 🙁 At least you like listening to audio books. I have a hard time with them. I LOVE The Wednesday Wars, glad you liked it too.

  3. It’s hard to juggle blogging and reading with everything else. I recently picked up a second part time job and now I am working about 50 hours a week, which is a lot more than I was working last month. Hopefully you’ll figure out a good balance.

  4. I’d say given everything else that is on your plate, your reading/listening for this month is still great!! And I know it’s hard, but just mark that Google Reader as all read. 😉 (I know, I can never do it either). Good luck with your finals.

  5. I’d say you’re managing very well with all the new scheduling; it will only get easier! I finished my Giller Prize longlist reading at the beginning of the November, so I have been reading a lot of NOT Canlit since then. And that has included some absolutely amazing books. I don’t know how December can possibly compare…but I sure hope it does!

  6. I’d say that’s a very good number, with or without the life changes! I’m currently doing a skim read of my rss reader because I too haven’t had time. Yay for Christmas and study breaks!

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