Reading Buddies: May Pick

Okay, Reading Buddies. That was our closest poll to date! We ended up with two books tied for first and the third just a vote behind. I flipped a coin. But before I announce the winner, I’d just like to remind you that our April book, to be discussed on April 13 and 27, is The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton!

And now, without further ado…our May read will be…

Reading Buddies badge and Moments of Being by Virginia Woolf (cover)

Moments of Being by Virginia Woolf! I’ve meant to read this one for such a long time. I think it’s a perfect book to tackle as a group, since Virginia Woolf can seem a little intimidating, especially if you’ve never read her before. I’ll be posting about May’s book on May 18 and June 1. I’m looking forward to reading Moments of Being with whoever wants to join me!

To tempt you, here’s what Wikipedia has to say about the title, Moments of Being:

“The title for the collection was chosen by its original editor, Jeanne Schulkind, based on a passage from ‘Sketch of the Past’ [one of the essays]. As described by Woolf, ‘moments of being’ are moments in which an individual experiences a sense of reality, in contrast to the states of ‘non-being’ that dominate most of an individual’s conscious life, in which they are separated from reality by a protective covering. Moments of being could be a result of instances of shock, discovery or revelation.”

I know I’m intrigued…and a little nervous!

The other two books — Possession by A.S. Byatt and Tess of the D’urbervilles by Thomas Hardy — will definitely be making another appearance at a later date. So if one of those was your choice, never fear. We’ll get to them!

For June’s choices, I’m bringing back some of the second place finishers from earlier polls. The choices? Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks, If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler by Italo Calvino, and Black Swan Green by David Mitchell. Which one will get your vote?

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  1. I think I will participate, Erin, I really lived Mrs. Dalloway, although I thought The Waves a bit disappointing.
    Yesterday I started reading The House of Mirth, and I am already loving it.

  2. I loved Orlando but hated Mrs. Dalloway, so Woolf is running 50/50 over here. As for your June choices, with all due respect to Calvino, it’s difficult to say no to David Mitchell.

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