Sunday Salon: Celebrating One Year

Today my husband and I are celebrating our one-year anniversary. To kick off our anniversary weekend, yesterday morning we went to our first library sale in our new city. At $2 a bag, how could we resist? Between the two of us we ended up stuffing 17 books (mostly hardcovers) into an undersized brown paper …

In My Mailbox: September 26-October 2

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme, hosted by The Story Siren, in which bloggers share books they’ve acquired in the mail / at the library / from a bookstore. It’s been a pretty slow book week for me. I’ve been reading and listening to a lot, but not much has come into my new …

Sunday Salon: Moving + BBW

We have officially moved! There is still much unpacking to be done, but the hard part is over. As I was looking around the new apartment at what we’d gotten done so far, I realized that, after I get the furniture in place, I always unpack the same category next. Dishes, so I can cook? …

In My Mailbox: September 19-25

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme, hosted by The Story Siren, in which bloggers share books they’ve acquired in the mail / at the library / from a bookstore. Happy Banned Books Week! As of yesterday, I have officially moved. The books that came into my home bridge the gap between my old city …

In My Mailbox: September 13-19

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme, hosted by The Story Siren, in which bloggers share books they’ve acquired in the mail / at the library / from a bookstore. I’m in the middle of moving and, therefore, trying not to acquire more books at the moment. So naturally, several new books came into my …