Reading Buddies: July Pick and an Announcement

Just a reminder that there’s still plenty of time to jump on board for our June read, which is Year of Wonders by Geraldine Brooks. I started it last night, and I’m definitely interested already. It’s my first of Brooks’ books. July’s book won with a landslide! We’ll be reading Possession by A.S. Byatt. I’ve …

Reading Buddies Wrap-Up: “Moments of Being” by Virginia Woolf

Okay guys. I totally failed this month. After giving myself permission to skip around in Moments of Being a couple of weeks ago, I proceeded to get distracted. I had a crazy last week at my job. I’ve spent lots of time helping with a wedding I’m in later this month. But really, the blame …

Reading Buddies Discussion: “Moments of Being” by Virginia Woolf

First, if you haven’t voted for July’s book, take a moment to do so now! Okay, guys. I have a confession to make. I’m struggling with Moments of Being. It’s not that I find the reading hard. I’m actually kind of shocked by how easily I find myself slipping into Woolf’s writing. She writes so …

Reading Buddies Wrap-Up: “The House of Mirth” by Edith Wharton

One week left to vote for June’s book! Be sure to pick your favorite from the poll in the sidebar. Warning: spoilers ahead! I just finished listening to The House of Mirth by Edith Wharton, our April book, yesterday. I have mixed feelings. I think Wharton is a wonderful writer. She excels at creating characters …