Thoughts on “The Good Braider” by Terry Farish (Audiobook)

I received a copy of The Good Braider by Terry Farish for review through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program. About the Book: We first glimpse Viola, just briefly, in the United States. We know she’s safe and doing her best to fit her Sudanese self into her new American life. Then we’re plunged into Viola’s …

Thoughts on “Under Magnolia” by Frances Mayes

I received a copy of Under Magnolia: A Southern Memoir by Frances Mayes for review through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program. About the Book: Under Magnolia is another memoir from Frances Mayes of Under the Tuscan Sun fame. Only this time, instead of exploring Italy, Mayes turns her attention to her childhood in the Deep South. …

Thoughts on “Understudies” by Ravi Mangla

I received a copy of Understudies from the author in exchange for an honest review. About the Book: Understudies is one of those books that’s tough to describe. After several vain attempts to do so, I gave up and checked Outpost19’s website. I was glad to find the following there, which sums up Understudies better than I can: …

Thoughts on “The Invisible Bridge” by Julie Orringer (Audiobook)

I’ve had The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer since it came out in 2010. I decided it was finally time for me to read it! About the Book: We first meet Andras and Tibor Lévi in 1937. They are brothers, rooming together in Budapest while their younger brother Mátyás lives at home and reluctantly helps their parents with …

Thoughts on “Sidewalk Dancing: A Novel in Stories” by Letitia Moffitt

I received a copy of Sidewalk Dancing: A Novel in Stories by Letitia Moffitt for review from Atticus Books. About the Book: A dime-a-dozen diner. A nameless couple. A language barrier. So begins Sidewalk Dancing. Throughout the pages that follow, the story of Miranda McGee and her parents, George and Grace, unfolds. They are a disjointed family, …