Reading Buddies Wrap-Up: “Possession” by A.S. Byatt

Well, Reading Buddies, here we are at our last (at least, for now) wrap-up. How did you like Possession by A.S. Byatt? It seemed, to me, an acceptable way to close out the past year and a half of reading together. I wasn’t totally sold on it at the halfway point, but it won me …

Reading Buddies Discussion: “Possession” by A.S. Byatt

Hey Reading Buddies! Welcome to the discussion post for Possession by A.S. Byatt. It’s a bit of a chunkster, and kind of dense at that, so I’m making my way through rather slowly. I’m about 200 pages in, right in the middle of the Ash/LaMotte letters, which I’m finding kind of hard to get through. Perhaps …