Books For Your Ears (and My Love For Them)

I’ve listened to 25 audiobooks so far this year. I just checked. Frankly, I’m a bit blown away by that number. What prompted me to look at my list was a post by Melanie at Reclusive Bibliophile, who just finished her first audiobook and is looking for suggestions for what to pick up next. As …

In My Mailbox: October 10-16

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme, hosted by The Story Siren, in which bloggers share books they’ve acquired in the mail / at the library / from a bookstore. Books came to me from every direction this week! One arrived in the mail, one came home with me from the bookstore, and one (um…I …

Thoughts on “Al Capone Shines My Shoes” by Gennifer Choldenko (Audiobook)

I’ll be spending this week talking about the books I read during last Saturday’s Readathon. I’ll be going in order from least favorite to most. Al Capone Shines My Shoes by Gennifer Choldenko is the sequel to Al Capone Does My Shirts, which received a Newbery Honor award. Set on Alcatraz during the Great Depression, …

Thoughts on “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald (Audiobook)

I checked an audio version of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby out of the library for Banned Books Week. I read the novel in high school but, like most of the books I read for school, it has since faded from my memory. I remembered only a few names and something to do with …

Thoughts on “A Reliable Wife” by Robert Goolrick (Audiobook)

Sometimes I think the audio version of a book ruins the book for me; other times, it’s the book itself that doesn’t work. In the case of Robert Goolrick’s A Reliable Wife, I think it was both. I am clearly in the minority here — just type “A Reliable Wife” into the Google Book Blog …