Can you believe it’s almost October? That means it’s almost time for Reading Buddies to start Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides!

Reading Buddies badge and Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides (cover)

If’ you’re unfamiliar with how these informal, laid back readalongs work, please check out the Reading Buddies page. I’ll be posting about Middlesex twice:

Discussion post: Friday, October 14, 2011
Wrap-up post: Friday, October 28, 2011

You’re welcome to post as often as you like or not at all, but I do hope you’ll stop by and join the discussion as you read. You can also join the Reading Buddies Goodreads group or sign up for monthly email reminders if you’d like.

I’m trying something a bit new this month. If you’re thinking of joining in, please leave a comment on this post saying so! You’re by no means obligated if it turns out you can’t participate this time around, but having some idea who’s most likely participating will help me keep track of everyone. Thanks!

Finally, don’t forget to vote in the poll for November’s book, over in the sidebar. The chosen book will be announced on October 7, along with any informal reads that might be starting up.

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  1. Oh!!! I might try to join you. I’ve been meaning to read this for ages, and have both the book & audio so perhaps I can make it happen. Still got a whole week to wrap up a few other things – I can’t believe it’s almost October either.

    1. That’d be great! I have both formats, too. A couple of bloggers on Twitter today convinced me with their ravings and endorsements to go with the audio, which is good, because I pretty much always have more listening time (and a freer listening schedule) than reading. I hope you’ll be able to join in!

  2. Loved, loved, loved this book. It’s one of my favorites and it has a permanent place on my keeper’s shelf. Sandy and Jenner’s did an awesome joint review of this one too, free of spoilers. I hope you all enjoy it!

    1. Yay, that’s exciting! A couple of bloggers on Twitter today convinced me that the audio is absolutely not to be missed, so I’m thinking I’ll go that route. I’m looking forward to starting it!

    1. No, that’s totally not cheating! Though they do usually contain spoilers, so if you dislike those, just be careful. Whether you participate officially or not, I’ll be happy to have you along!

  3. I meant to read this book for a while, so I’m in !
    I still have to finish Sea of Poppies. I made a short pause in my reading but will finish reading by the end of month.

  4. I read Middlesex earlier this year so I won’t be joining in for the readalong. But it was such a thought-provoking book for me that I’m sure I’ll join in for the discussion.

  5. This sounds like a lot of fun. I don’t think I’ll be able to dive into Middlesex by the 14th because of other reading committments, but I can’t wait to get your thoughts on it. It’s been on my TBR for a ridiculously long time.

    Am pulling for The Woman in White in November because I started but need to finish that one.

    1. It’s been on mine for forever, too! Reading Buddies has certainly been getting me to tackle books I’ve been meaning to read forever. Woman in White is certainly kicking butt as of now!

  6. I’m planning to read along on this one. I haven’t voted on November’s poll yet because I can’t make up my mind — they all sound good!

    1. Feel free to jump in with the discussions! A lot of people have said they read and enjoyed this one. I’m really excited to read it…finally!

  7. I have read Middlesex so I won’t be reading it wirh you but I am really looking forward to your thoughts on the book.

    I’m also excited for you because it’s such a great book, Erin!

    1. I hope you’ll join in the discussions, Amy! I’m thrilled Reading Buddies is finally getting me to read it — I feel like I’ve had it on my shelf forever!

  8. I’ll definitely join in, but I’m going to be reading The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge instead of Middlesex, and I highly recommend others do, too.

    1. Hmm, that should make for some interesting discussion… What, a book group meeting plus one…or was it TWO…posts here isn’t enough for you?

    1. Keep an eye on it, there’s a readalong every month! I totally understand about having a full reading plate. I hope whatever’s on yours is at least good!

  9. I’m a bit swamped at the moment so can’t join in for Reading Buddies in October but have already signed up on Good Reads and voted for Catch-22. It’s one of my top ten classics that I’ve never read so it seems like an omen that it’s on the list.

    1. I completely understand that feeling! I’d be very happy to have you reading along any month it works for you.

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