Sunday Salon: The Dreaded TBR

TBR lists: We all have them. Whether physical or digital or paper, teetering towers or orderly shelves or modest stacks, lists or spreadsheets or tags, readers have to-be-read lists. And I’m guessing there are as many approaches to organizing them as there are TBR lists to be organized. My List I have a habit of …

Sunday Salon: Cheerleader Sign-Ups, New Acquisitions, and #wordverify!

Today is an exciting day! I have three fabulous things to share with you. I’ll jump right in. Read-A-Thon Cheerleader Sign-Ups That’s right, today sign-ups begin for cheerleaders for the October 22nd Read-A-Thon! After cheering for several past Read-A-Thons, this year I’m co-chairing the cheerleading committee with the fabulous Trish. We’re so excited! The main …

Sunday Salon: Getting to Know You

Whew, what a Book Blogger Appreciation Week that was! I learned a ton, met some great new bloggers, and stuffed my Google Reader to the gills. Now I’m going to do my best to keep that feeling of enthusiasm going. Since (I’m hoping) there may be some new people stopping by after the fun of …

Sunday Salon: Where I’ve Been

As many of you know, I spent most of August not at home. Where was I, you ask? In India, visiting my husband’s family. Some of my own family was able to visit at the same time, and we had a great trip. Some highlights: an overnight in a swanky resort, bathing elephants at nearby …

Looking Back: July 2011

Another month is over, and I can hardly believe it! Thanks to my summer classes, July flew by. I spent the second half catching up on War and Peace for Jillian’s readalong — I’m now just a month and a half behind instead of almost five. Because of that, I didn’t get as much other …