Booking Through Thursday: Well, That Was Different!

From Booking Through Thursday What was the most unusual (for you) book you ever read? Either because the book itself was completely from out in left field somewhere, or was a genre you never read, or was the only book available on a long flight… whatever? What (not counting school textbooks, though literature read for …

Thoughts on “The Possibilities of Sainthood” by Donna Freitas

While in an autograph line at NEIBA last weekend, I met Donna Freitas, author of the young adult novel The Possibilities of Sainthood. After we’d gotten our books signed, she sent me off to her publisher’s table to pick up a copy of her book, which I gladly did. It ended up with the honor …

Thoughts on “A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian” by Marina Lewycka

“Two years after my mother died, my father fell in love with a glamorous blond Ukrainian divorcee. He was eighty-four and she was thirty-six. She exploded into our lives like a fluffy pink grenade, churning up the murky water, bringing to the surface a sludge of sloughed-off memories, giving the family ghosts a kick up …

Thoughts on “The Music Teacher” by Barbara Hall

There are plenty of good novels hitting the shelves today. Some are written in the first person, some in the third, and some in all kinds of varying perspectives. What they all seem to share, however, is a focus on the story. Fantastic, harrowing, heartbreaking, suspenseful, incredible…the list goes on and on, but the emphasis …