My Week in Books: February 20-26

My Week in Books

Welcome to my weekly Saturday feature here at Erin Reads, where I highlight new books that have entered my life, what I’ve been reading, and what’s happened on Erin Reads over the past week.

New Acquisitions

It was a good week for book acquisitions! Here’s what found its way to me:


These next three I received for review from publishers. They’re all set to be released in April.

  • The Sandalwood Tree by Elle Newmark: Set in India in the 1940s, this novel tells the story of a woman living in India with her husband who discovers the letters and journal of two English women who lived in the same home a hundred years earlier.
  • Nazareth, North Dakota by Tommy Zurhellen: As the back of the galley says, “A modern retelling of the story of the young Messiah.” I’ve read the first chapter, and I must say, my interest is piqued!
  • The Bee-Loud Glade by Steve Himmer: I’m really not sure I can do this one justice by summarizing it, but I am looking forward to reading it!

TBR Additions

Both books I added to my TBR list this week are *gasp* nonfiction!

Read This Week

This week I wrapped up The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver for February’s Reading Buddies, and I loved it. For my IRL book group meeting next week, I’m working on The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera, and it hasn’t won me over yet. However, I’ve just started Madre: Perilous Journeys with a Spanish Noun by Liza Bakewell, and so far I’m really enjoying it!

After zipping through the very short The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett earlier this week, I’m now working on Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome. It’s fun, and very well read (oh, Martin Jarvis, how I love your audiobooks!), but maybe not the thing to follow The Poisonwood Bible!

Erin Reads Recap

Your Turn!

How was your reading week? Do tell!

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  1. During the little readathon I participated in a few weekends back, I tried to listen to both The Uncommon Reader and Three Men in a Boat. I got about halfway through the first before I realized I just wasn’t interested, and only a few chapters into the latter, despite Martin Jarvis’ lovely narration. Sad! 🙁

    I have The Unbearable Lightness of Being somewhere on my vague maybe-one-day TBR. I’m sorry to hear it’s not been capturing you. I’m a little afraid of it.

  2. I also got The Sandalwood Tree this week, and am looking forward to reading it. I think you will really enjoy The Tapestry of Love. It had such a rustic charm to it, even though the male love interest was kind of a jerk at times.

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