Thoughts on “Zeitoun” by Dave Eggers (Audiobook)

Zeitoun by Dave Eggers is not like the books I usually choose. It spent so long staring at me from the bestseller shelves, though, that I finally gave in and borrowed the audiobook from the library. The book was certainly informative, and I learned a lot about Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath in a way …

In My Mailbox: September 13-19

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme, hosted by The Story Siren, in which bloggers share books they’ve acquired in the mail / at the library / from a bookstore. I’m in the middle of moving and, therefore, trying not to acquire more books at the moment. So naturally, several new books came into my …

Thoughts on “The Last Survivors” Trilogy by Susan Beth Pfeffer (Audiobook)

I heard about Susan Beth Pfeffer’s The Last Survivors trilogy — Life as We Knew It, The Dead and the Gone, and This World We Live In — from a school librarian who came into the store to buy books for her library. She raved about the audiobooks, which she was listening to in her …

Thoughts on “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee (Audiobook)

This year, as you may already know, marks the 50th anniversary of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. I first read To Kill a Mockingbird back in eighth grade, but I tend to forget book plots. With all the talk going on because of the big anniversary, I decided to listen to the book …

Thoughts on “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot (Audiobook)

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot would not even have crossed my radar if it hadn’t made a solid appearance on the IndieBound best sellers list a while back. For one, the topic — HeLa cells and the woman they came from — was entirely unfamiliar to me. I’m also not likely …