Thoughts on “The Revisionists” by Thomas Mullen

The Revisionists by Thomas Mullen came to me through LibraryThing’s Early Reviewers program. I read it during last month’s Readathon. About the Book: Zed has been sent from the future to a time around our own. His mission? Keep history (and thus, the seemingly perfect future from which he comes) intact by preventing counter-agents from …

Thoughts on “The Tapestry of Love” by Rosy Thornton

Miz B. was kind enough to send me her copy of The Tapestry of Love by Rosy Thornton, and though I have been remiss in getting it read, I finally began it during the recent Readathon. About the Book: Catherine Parkstone is starting fresh when she moves from England to rural France, leaving behind her …

Thoughts on “Tracks” by Eric D. Goodman

I received a copy of Tracks by Eric D. Goodman from the author in exchange for an honest review. About the Book: The setting: a train. The characters: its passengers. In a series of overlapping short stories, the latter are introduced. As each takes the spotlight for a story, as the train makes its steady …

Thoughts on “Wherever You Go” by Joan Leegant

I received a copy of Wherever You Go by Joan Leegant from the author for review. About the Book: I don’t usually use pre-written summaries, but in this case, the blurb on the back of the book is pretty much what I’d planned to write myself. If you’re extremely spoiler-sensitive, just skip to “My Thoughts” …

Thoughts on “Death Wishing” by Laura Ellen Scott, and a GIVEAWAY!

When Laura Ellen Scott emailed me about Death Wishing, she mentioned she’d gotten my name from Steve Himmer, author of The Bee Loud Glade, which, as many of you know, I adored. How could I resist that connection? About the Book: There’s no denying the world is getting strange. An odd phenomenon has sprung up: …