Summer Summary: The Setup

It’s been a while. Yet again. I got on a roll there, for a month or two, and then…nothing. What happened? This did: My husband and I are expecting our first little one next month! Which means the past seven months or so have looked something like this: March-April: Felt SO INCREDIBLY NAUSEOUS that almost literally …

Monthly Musings: March 2015

A year and change ago, shortly after I’d returned to blogging (the time before this one, heh), I instituted something called Monthly Musings. It was meant — as you might imagine — to be a sort of end-of-month summary and reflection. Sadly, I only did one of them. I like the format, though. Individual reviews help …

Sunday Salon: Monthly Musings for November 2013

Toward the end of Erin Reads’s former incarnation, I was playing around with monthly wrap-ups. They were rather stats-focused, tallying books read, picking favorites, that kind of thing. I wanted to reinstate monthly wrap-ups, but in a way more in line with how I want to blog this time around. So I tweaked things a …

Looking Back: January 2012

Well hello, February, where did you come from? Here’s what my January looked like: Books Total books read: 3 Total pages read: 876 Favorite book: A Room with a View by E.M. Forster Least favorite book: Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu — I had high hopes, but it fell flat for me. The others: The Marriage …

Looking Back: December 2011 (Sunday Salon)

Happy New Year! My big year-end stats post will go up in the next couple of days, but I can’t let December go by without its own quick review post. Here’s what my December looked like: Books Total books read: 4 Total pages read: 1,733 Favorite book: The Woman in White by Wilkie Collins Least …