Well. Since I went from a part-time student to a part-time student with a full-time job, my November was nowhere near as productive as usual in terms of reading! I’m really happy with the job and don’t mind my new, much slower reading pace (and the extra driving leaves more time for audiobooks!), but I’m …
Tag Archives: monthly wrap-up
Looking Back: October 2011
Another month has come and gone! Here’s what my October looked like: Books Total books read: 7 Total pages read: 1,763 Favorite book: probably Original Sins by Peg Kingman (review coming soon!) Least favorite book: The Call of Cthulhu by H.P. Lovecraft Audiobooks Total audiobooks listened to: 3 Total hours listened: 50 hours, 25 minutes …
Sunday Salon: Looking Back, September 2011
We’ve reached the end of yet another month! Here’s what my September looked like: Books Total books read: 6 Total pages read: 1, 749 Favorite book: I actually really enjoyed all six of the books I read this month and rated them all the same on Goodreads. But if I had to choose one, Sea …
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Looking Back: August 2011
Another month has flown by, unbelievably. Because of my traveling it was a lighter reading month for me, but I still managed to get some books finished! Here’s what my August looked like: Books Total books read: 5 Total pages read: 1,397 Favorite book: Swing Low by Miriam Toews Least favorite book: Going Bovine by …
Looking Back: July 2011
Another month is over, and I can hardly believe it! Thanks to my summer classes, July flew by. I spent the second half catching up on War and Peace for Jillian’s readalong — I’m now just a month and a half behind instead of almost five. Because of that, I didn’t get as much other …