CRP: “Beowulf” translated by Seamus Heaney (Audiobook)

The Classics Reclamation Project is my personal challenge to read and enjoy the classics. Each Wednesday, I post about the classic I’m reading at the moment. Since I’d listened to The Odyssey and The Epic of Gilgamesh, I figured I should go ahead and do Beowulf as well. I’d read part of Beowulf in high …

CRP: “Gilgamesh” translated by Stephen Mitchell

The Classics Reclamation Project is my personal challenge to read and enjoy the classics. Each Wednesday, I post about the classic I’m reading at the moment. Gilgamesh is one of the world’s oldest narrative texts. How old? Like, over three thousand years old. Older than The Bible, The Iliad, and Beowulf. Written in cuneiform on …

The Odyssey: Books 19-24

It’s the last week of Trish’s The Odyssey readalong! I’m now finished listening to Ian McKellen read the epic to me. During this final week, we read Books 19-24. I’ll repeat, one last time, my warning regarding the length of my summaries: I like how the story is split into books, which strike me as …

Books for Your Ears: Classics

A few Fridays ago I introduced a miniseries featuring some of my favorite audiobooks. This week, in the final installment of Books for Your Ears, I’ll be focusing on classics. I’ve selected a few of my favorites: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (read by Sissy Spacek) Set in Maycomb County, Alabama, during the …

The Odyssey: Books 13-18

Only six books of The Odyssey and one week left of Trish’s readalong! I’ve been listening to Ian McKellen read the epic to me on audio and using the corresponding Fagles translation in print as a supplement. This week, we read Books 13-18. Same warning as the past two weeks: I like how the story …