Thoughts on “Under Magnolia” by Frances Mayes

I received a copy of Under Magnolia: A Southern Memoir by Frances Mayes for review through the LibraryThing Early Reviewers program. About the Book: Under Magnolia is another memoir from Frances Mayes of Under the Tuscan Sun fame. Only this time, instead of exploring Italy, Mayes turns her attention to her childhood in the Deep South. …

Reading Buddies Wrap-Up: “Moments of Being” by Virginia Woolf

Okay guys. I totally failed this month. After giving myself permission to skip around in Moments of Being a couple of weeks ago, I proceeded to get distracted. I had a crazy last week at my job. I’ve spent lots of time helping with a wedding I’m in later this month. But really, the blame …

Reading Buddies Discussion: “Moments of Being” by Virginia Woolf

First, if you haven’t voted for July’s book, take a moment to do so now! Okay, guys. I have a confession to make. I’m struggling with Moments of Being. It’s not that I find the reading hard. I’m actually kind of shocked by how easily I find myself slipping into Woolf’s writing. She writes so …

Thoughts on “Lost on Planet China” by J. Maarten Troost (Audiobook)

I’ve had a copy of Lost on Planet China by J. Maarten Troost on my shelf for a few years now. When I discovered Simon Vance (my new favorite narrator) did the audiobook, I borrowed it from my public library. About the Book: J. Maarten Troost and his wife are ready for a change of …

Thoughts on “Swing Low” by Miriam Toews

I won an ARC of Swing Low by Miriam Toews during the April 2011 Readathon. It is a memoir of the author’s father, written by her but from her father’s perspective. About the Book: Mel Toews is in the hospital. Why, he cannot quite remember. There are other select bits of memory that seem to …