Sunday Salon: October Recap and November Preview

Happy Halloween, everyone! I am spending it with my parents. We spent yesterday carving a ton of pumpkins, and this evening we’ll be handing out candy to the neighborhood trick-or-treaters. I hope that, however you’re spending your day, you enjoy it! Reading Recap: October October was the first month I vigilantly tracked my reading. I …

Sunday Salon: A Giant Book and a Secret Project

This Sunday, I have two fun things to tell you about: a giant book and a secret project. The Giant Book I recently discovered that my sister and I have both been thinking about reading A Suitable Boy by Vikram Seth. After a brief discussion, we decided to read it together so we can provide …

Sunday Salon: How Do You Cope?

A few days ago, Clare from The Literary Omnivore and I had the following conversation on Twitter about a particularly bad book she was reading: ErinReadsblog: Do you abandon awful books or just plow through? I find they often slow my overall reading down because I’m busy avoiding them. litomnivore: I plow. I’m a completionist. …

In My Mailbox: October 10-16

In My Mailbox is a weekly meme, hosted by The Story Siren, in which bloggers share books they’ve acquired in the mail / at the library / from a bookstore. Books came to me from every direction this week! One arrived in the mail, one came home with me from the bookstore, and one (um…I …

Sunday Salon: Readathon Wrap-Up

Whew! My first readathon is over, and I am now on my way to an out-of-town wedding on no sleep. Here are the results of the past 24 hours: Overall: Hours participated: 21.5 out of 24 (which is good, seeing as I was supposed to quit at 16 so I could get some shut-eye in…) …