By way of review, here’s what my February looked like:


Looking Back: February

Total books read: 5
Total pages read: 1,880
Favorite book: The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver and Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Least favorite book: Are You Somebody? by Nuala O’Faolain


Total audiobooks listened to: 6
Total hours listened: 38 hours, 33 minutes
Favorite audiobook: The Heretic’s Daughter by Kathleen Kent
Least favorite audiobook: Three Men in a Boat by Jerome K. Jerome (the book itself, not the reading–Martin Jarvis narrated this one, and he’s fantastic!)

Erin Reads

On Erin Reads last month:

Your Turn!

That was my February. How was yours?

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  1. I haven’t read many books this month, but I did read Jane Eyre for the first time, and was totally smitten with it. It was just such a great read that I am totally gushing to anyone who will listen!

  2. Is it bad that I’m glad to hear that Three Men in a Boat turned out to be skippable? I only listened to about an hour of it…that was enough for me, despite Martin Jarvis’s wonderful narration!

  3. I really need to join you guys for Never Let Me Go….I think I was wrong though about having it on the shelves. 😉 Must search stacks.

  4. I am still sorry I missed The Poisonwood Bible, but was unable to find a copy of it, neither in the public libraries nor in my favorite american/english bookstores! I began reading Never let me go, though, and look forward to our next discussion. The movie will be out today and I’ll certainly watch it when my reading is complete!
    I am now reading Charlotte Brontë’s “The Professor” and am sad to say it is not as good as I expected.

  5. Reading that you reviewed Jane Eyre in February makes me happy, because that seems quite a while ago and this year seems to be going so fast already! Glad that some of your blogging stress has gone. I believe I have a copy of the Bryson (the one you’ve read) somewhere and I missed your post on it so I’m going to check my shelves and have a look at your post.

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