Looking Back is the new monthly wrap-up format I tinkered with during Bloggiesta two weeks ago. It’ll be my way to review each month before embarking on the next.

Here’s what my January looked like:


Looking Back: January Button

Total books read: 8
Total pages read: 1,842
Favorite book: I gave the highest rating to Delirium by Lauren Oliver.
Least favorite book: The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge by Rainer Maria Rilke (final thoughts coming tomorrow)


Total audiobooks listened to: 7
Total hours listened: 56 hours, 6 minutes
Favorite audiobook: Flight by Sherman Alexie, followed closely by The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood
Least favorite audiobook: Through the Looking-Glass by Lewis Carroll

Erin Reads Highlights

Your Turn!

That was my January. How was yours?

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    1. There are so many good ones out there! (Of course, there are plenty of bad ones, too…) I love how I can keep “reading” even when I have to do mindless tasks. I hope you get back into audiobooks!

  1. Looks like you had a great reading month. I recently started listening to free audio books from Librivox, and I’m hooked! Also, congratulations on your successful Reading Buddies project. I hope I’ll find the time to participate this year. 🙂

    1. Oh, yes, LibriVox can be a great site! It’s amazing so many people volunteer to read for them. I hope you’ll be able to participate in Reading Buddies, too!

  2. Seems to me that you had a great reading month! I’ve added a couple of the books you’ve reviewed to my own list, and I’m hoping they translate well from the audiobook you listened to print books.

    1. I’m thinking they should. I think usually (though not always, I guess) a well written book will work in either format. Great audiobooks are actually harder for me to find than great books, since there’s the added element of the narrator. So I think you’re probably safe 🙂 Enjoy!

    1. I was, too! I didn’t think I’d read and listened to nearly the same number of books. I think the problem is figuring out when to listen to audiobooks and then remembering to do it. I used to be half way through cleaning the apartment before realizing I should’ve been listening. Now I don’t even get out the cleaning supplies without my iPod on. Good luck finding time!

  3. Great reading month !
    I just borrowed Flight from the library today! I also borrowed my two first audiobooks! I never tried this way of reading and am prepared to give it a test. Unfortunately, there are very few audiobooks in this library.

    1. It was 🙂 I really hope you enjoy Flight! And I hope that audiobooks work out for you! I’m excited to hear what you think of both!

    1. You seem to be doing quite a lot with your reading project and blog, though! I’d say the books you’re tackling are a bit heftier than the ones on my list 🙂 I haven’t been around as much on other blogs as I’ve wanted, either. Here’s to a calm, productive February!

  4. Wow. This wrap up really inspired me. I need to start filling in my reading days with audio books. You get a lot of reading done that way! Okay, now I’m off to check out your survey results and your new buddies program.

    1. You definitely do! Plus, the boring, mindless tasks are much more fun if you’re “reading” at the same time 🙂

    1. We’ll see how long this organization lasts 🙂 Also, secretly, it’s much easier to write up a post like this than it is to write a coherent review some days, which is extra incentive to remember these sorts of posts!

  5. Well I think your January was considerably more productive then mine but I was very happy spending the first two weeks of the year on a leisurely read of The Children’s Book. Time well spent. Great button by the way!

    1. Thanks! It was one of my Bloggiesta accomplishments. Sometimes it’s so nice to devote a chunk of time to a single book. This month felt good to me pace-wise, but I know in other months, when I want to tackle meatier tomes, I’ll want to cut back and spend time with just a few really good books 🙂

  6. Great wrap-up format, I might have to do something like this myself. I keep meaning to go through all your bloggiesta stuff to get some ideas too, you have so many good ideas!

    1. I kept wanting to work out a format like this, but it took Bloggiesta to make me sit down and do it!

  7. I can’t believe your giveaway was only last month, January seems to have gone so slowly! I’m happy to see you rated Delirium so highly here, I’m thinking of picking it up next week and looking forward to it so much.

    Do you find you read more books each month for having listened to some? I’m looking at your stats and thinking how impossible it seems!

    1. I know!! I can’t believe January was only a single month. Delirium was really absorbing, at least for me. I hope you find it so as well.

      I absolutely end up getting through more books with audiobooks. Some months it’s an even split, which means I double my reading with audiobooks! It took me a while to figure out where in my daily life audiobooks fit, but once I did, they became indispensable to me.

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